Hey! I’m Mackenzie!

I love lavender chai lattes (and dremsicle lattes in the summer!! YUM) and think breakfast is the best time to eat out. Give me a breakfast sandwich on a bagel any day. I am addicting to reading, going on adventures with my husband and son and getting drawing in my free time.


Some love notes.


Mackenzie I cannot even tell you how happy we are with these! We were just saying the other day how we never wanted to forget any details from our wedding. After looking at the album (15 times) we both were amazed how perfectly you captured every detail. All the smiles, laughs, and love were shown in every picture. You truly have a way of making the pictures not just about us or our bridal party, but everyone who shared in our day with us as well. I love how you somehow captured a winter wedding feel in every picture, even though it was a beautiful, sunny day out. We can’t thank you enough for the amazing work you and lex do. You make a great team and are both so talented! - Lindsay + Jack


Check out my work in the galleries below!







