Lyndsey Birthday Portraits Lincoln Park

You may recognize this beauty! We did an awesome in apartment/alley way session for her birthday last year. I am totally loving this tradition of treating yourself to portraits :D I think sometimes we often forget that all parts of our lives deserve a shoot not just when we get married!

Per usuual, Lyndsey nailed her session. Though her niece puppy Lady might have stolen the show a few times ;) Lex was supposed to be on puppy duty but was slacking here and there. We'd be in the midst of the shoot and all the sudden we would hear tiny paws running out way. Lady gets Bark Boxes which are ADORABLE. And she kept bringing us toys. One of my favorites was the Boss Ross squirrel. Who ever knew that was a thing??

We used Lyndsey's mom's apartment while she was out of town and again I am blown away by this family having the most incredible views in their living spaces! It made for such a perfect backdrop on this rainy Saturday. All we needed was a fireplace, some bad rom coms and we are all SET.

Lyndsey, you are beautiful inside and out. And I am so grateful to get to know you and learn more about you every session <3

Oh! Fun fact about Lyndsey. She is an adjunct professor and teaches 2 lessons on the book Devil in the White City. Her course focuses on event planning but she thinks it is important if you are going to be living and working in Chicago, you should know the history of one of Chicago's biggest events ever. How awesome is that?