Michigan Adventures 2017

My family has been going to Michigan my whole life to visit my grandparents. Several years ago I went to South Haven for the first time and absolutely loved it. I told my parents I couldn't believe we had this awesome town just 30 minutes away from my grandparents' tree farm. So one weekend while we were visiting, my whole family went and fell in love. Now we have been going there almost every summer for the last few years. While my family may be using vacation time to go somewhere else next year, a whole group of friends is thinking about renting a house!

Lex and I were only able to go for the weekend this time while my family had the whole week. So we crammed as much fun into that time as possible.

If you haven't been to South Haven, Michigan before. You need to go. And when you go, check out Captain Lou's. Its the best place to people watch.

Also, if you are looking for something different to do go to the Saugatuck Dune Rides. I'm afraid of practically everything and I love doing this. Though I won't lie and say I'm not freaked out the whole time. Still fun to do :) The Maeders have been going there for over 40 years.