Danielle, Alex, and Noah Tinley Park Centennial Park Family Session

Danielle and Alex had a baby named Noah and he is so freaking cute!! I mean, look at those toes in the first photo. it was Noah’s first time playing at the park and I think its safe to say he thoroughly enjoyed himself :D

Danielle and Alex surprised us when we got to their engagement session almost a year ago when they said they were going to be parents. It was the best surprise and made the session that much sweeter not only documenting their engagement but also documenting this exciting time of becoming parents.

I eagerly stalked Danielle’s Instagram around her due date to see when the baby would arrive and he was just the cutest little guy! I was even more excited when she reached out about doing family photos around his 6 month birthday. Noah is one of the chillest babies. He was happy to sit on the swing, snuggle with mom, fly through the air with Dad all with a smile or curious look on his face. He definitely inherited his happy demeanor from his parents :)