Bloom Bash Chicago City View Lofts

I attended my first workshop in July. I was so nervous. I see people posting about their workshops all the time, I look into them, and then I decide otherwise. I just get so nervous spending that much on 1 day. Will I learn anything? Will it be awkward? Will I make any friends? Its like the first day of school all over again.

Ashley reached out to me and said she (along with Micheala) were hosting a workshop for creatives in Chicago this summer. She said I would be a perfect fit. My style was also completely different than a lot of those who usually attend the workshop. I don't shoot light an airy, everything is contrasty and colorful. The way I see the world!

This also wasn't just a photography workshop, it was for several types of creatives. Because of this I learned how to arrange florals and do water color calligraphy. While I felt that I didn't get a lot out of it photography-wise, it was great to hang out with like minded creatives. As a business owner, it is very isolating. Sometimes your family and friends don't understand, especially when you have to sacrifice time with them to work. Being in a room where the women totally got what you were going through was amazing. Not to mention they feed us fantastic food. So it was basically the best 2 days.

I think going forward, if I were to do a workshop again, I would do something more advanced for photography. Maybe something out of state. I just really think taking creative classes and continuing to learn weather that is in your own field or another, is so important. 



Styling &


Venue City View Lofts Chicago




Hair and Makeup
