Food Fanatics Live 2018 - Traveling Event Photography
Some of you may or not may not know that I do quite a bit of freelance photo and video work for US Foods on top of weddings, portraits, and other sessions. I am going on almost 3 years now of teaming up with the food company but by far one of my all time favorite projects I have worked on is traveling all over the country for the Food Fanatics Live events.
Last year I was able to travel to 19 different events. You can see last year’s blog post here. While this year there was only 11 and I was available to shoot 9. It has been another unbelievable and crazy year of tagging along to some of the coolest events I have ever been a part of!
This year I went to Seattle, New York, Kansas City, Atlanta, and Boston just to name a few. My mom, sister, and I got to make a few day trip out of my shoots to Seattle. And Nicole came with for the quickest New York trip ever! That blog post will be coming soon.
It has been one of the most amazing experiences being the Food Fanatics Live photographer these past 2 years and I am insanely grateful for the opportunity. I still don’t know how for the last 2 years I have gotten to travel and eat food all day while taking photos. PINCH ME.
This last event in NY ended on a bittersweet note. Traveling alone in 2018 was way less fun than before. Not that I loved traveling along last year but I felt pretty proud in the fact that I could do it. This year there was quite a bit less exploring on my end and I was so over being at the airport. So I am thrilled to report I have no plans to be at an airport (at the moment) until the end of December! This was the sweet part.
Now comes the bitter. One of my favorite people I have met through this job is retiring after his last event with another company this year. Bobby is a truly amazing human being whom I am so fortunate to know. And I think if you asked anyone on the floor they would agree. He always had a smiled on his face when I saw him with an ice cream cone in tow… as you can see from many of my favorite photos this year ;) It has been such an honor to become his friend. Even after he saran wrapped my bags together and chained them to his workshop case. Several times. My Wednesdays will never be the same.