Kristy and Andy St John of the Cross and Ruffled Feathers Lemont Wedding

Kristy and Andy are best friends to one of our favorite couples Carly and Rick. We shot their wedding a few years ago and it was SO MUCH FUN. One of the things I love most about working with a couple who was at a previous wedding we shot is seeing so many familiar faces. Especially Carly and Rick. This is an awesome group!! My face hurt so bad from smiling and laughing by the end of the night. Lex and I love working with them all.

Besides it being just so much fun and Carly giving one of the best maid-of-honor speeches we have heard while working a wedding. It was also such a sweet day! Kristy’s Dad had me tearing up before their first look talking about his experience as a parent. Andy surprised Kristy with a visit from their adorable dog Rona after the ceremony. And just over hearing how happy everyone was for these two and what a good pair they made made me so happy.

Some fun moments I also want to highlight:

-The best man wiping Andy’s head during the ceremony while Carly fixed Kristy’s dress.

-The bridal party stealing the golf carts and crashing couples photos.

-The hopping dance floor!

-The venue doing this awesome line of servers to fill the head tables cups with champagne.

-Kristy and Andy being all cute in the rain for their photos.

-The note Andy wrote on the bottom of Kristy’s shoes.

-Recreating an iconic bridesmaids photo from Carly and Rick’s wedding.

And so many more.

If you haven’t seen their engagement session from last summer, head over there now. Still obsessed with their photos!!

Congrats you guys!! Lex and I are so honored we could be a part of your day <3